Fall Leaf Pickup
Fall Leaf Pickups Are Held Only In The Fall
Watch for specific dates/times under News & Announcements.
Pickups will be done daily, Monday through Friday. WE DO NOT PICK UP LEAVES IN THE SPRING. Here are the details.
Call the Highway Dept. at (607) 775-0020 to be placed on a list for this service.
Rake your leaves (with no debris) into a pile in front of your home by the curb line. No pinecones, rocks, branches, flowers, or animal waste can be mixed in with your leaves.
Do not place leaves in bags!
Do not rake leaves into your ditch or roadway because this can be very hazardous to traffic!
If you hire a landscaper or contractor to clean up your leaves, THEY are responsible to take the leaves away. If we see a landscaper or contractor raking or blowing leaves from your property to the curb or to the ditch, the Town will NOT remove them. It is the landscaper’s or contractor’s responsibility.

Contact Information
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday:
7:00 am to 3:30 pm
(607) 775-1434
240 Carlin Road
Conklin, New York 13748
See map: Google Maps