Click on the link to read the proposed Solar Energy Systems Law. Since its introduction, highlighted sections have been modified, with subsequent changes underlined. The highlighted/underlined sections show amendments or additions since the original posting. A Public Hearing to discuss this law will be held at 6:30 P.M. on August 13, 2024.



TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Conklin on August 13, 2024 at 6:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as may be heard, at Conklin Town Hall, 1271 Conklin Road, Conklin, NY on a proposed local law entitled “A LOCAL LAW AMENDING CHAPTER 140 OF THE TOWN CODE ENTITLED ‘ZONING’ AND ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 138 ENTITLED ‘SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMS.’”

NOTICE is further given that the environmental significance, if any, of the proposed local law will be reviewed incident to, and as a part of, said public hearing.

The local law is open to inspection at the Town Clerk’s Office, 1271 Conklin Road, Conklin, NY. Persons who require assistance in attending said public hearing, or in furnishing comments or suggestions, should contact the undersigned to request such assistance. Communications in writing in relation thereto may be filed with the Town Board prior to said hearing.

Dated:  July 24, 2024                                      Sherrie L. Jacobs, Town Clerk of the Town of Conklin

Revision 2 Local Law 2, 2024 – Solar Energy Systems Law

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